Serves homeless individuals and families
Serves homeless men
General needs (food, recovery, kids programs)
Low-income housing
Housing, rent and mortgage assistance
Food packages and health education
No restrictions, once per week
Internet Assistance
Domestic Violence Center
Alcohol and other drug abuse recovery
Mental health and recovery support
Support for all people in need
Clothing and furniture
Financial assistance for medical care
Alcohol and other drug abuse treatment
Legal Action of WI Green Bay office
Legal services for low-income households
Crisis and mental health support
Call or visit the online resource guide for local services.
Public housing and housing voucher
Sheboygan County Halfway House
Education, mentoring and housing
General needs (shelter, food, transportation and more)
Shelter for sexual assault victims
Housing, rent, and mortgage assistance
Apply for foodshare
Nutrition program for women
Information on food pantries in Sheboygan County
Food for seniors, homebound and disabled
Internet Assistance
Hmong Mutual Assistance Association
Hmong community support and assistance
Black-American Community Outreach
Empower and uplift our diverse community
Help from caring people (various resources)
Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Energy Assistance Program
Domestic violence and sexual assault support
Aging and Disability Resource Connection
Serves aging and disabled
Sheboygan Co Health Department:
General public health
Partners for Community Development
General service agency - Spanish interpreters
Clothing and furniture
LBGTQ+ recovery group
Non-emergency medical appointment transportation
Mental health support
Mental Health Crisis Line - 920-459-3151
Rental assistance program
Clothing and furniture
Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program
Assists eligible households with heating and electric bills
Washington County residents only
West Bend second Thursday of the month; Hartford the fourth Tuesday
Call or visit the online resource guide for local services
Domestic violence & sexual assault help
Drug & alcohol treatment for women
Drug & alcohol treatment for men
Mental health education, support, advocacy and awareness
Transportation in Washington County
Transportation to medical visits for Washington County residents 60+
Internet Assistance